What did we do last week? Q3 | Q4

Welcome to Class!! Please excuse Mrs. LaMarche 

  • Create a NEW 4th Quarter Progress Log page
  • Please spend today setting up your log dates - SEE MY EXAMPLE
  • Please continue to work on Certs and Labs @ as needed
  • Make sure you add an accurate yet brief entry in your progress log

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Welcome to class - What are the two main indicators of a good team? Why did google call the Project?

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Welcome to Class!  Quick share out on 80/20 Projects - Big thanks to Garret who found a new project for us! REPLACE LCD NEW 80/20

  • LCD - replacement examples | Laptop | Desktop Monitor 
  • SHOUT OUT TO CARTER's TEAM!! The only team to share the lab back with Mrs. LaMarche --- WHY IS THIS SO IMPORTANT??!! "Example of Code Workspace ETC"
  • What was missing yesterday?
  • Work time in Groups
  • Mrs. LaMarche will provide QR codes

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Welcome to Class - Please start in DRONE GROUPS

  • REMINDER: You will need a start and stop time for the drone flight
  • Each team only needs ONE copy of the document but EACH TEAM MEMBER needs to have a copy posted to their individual portfolio
  • HAVE FUN!!
  • ***You will be meeting in S3 tomorrow.****

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Welcome to Class!!  Please Excuse Mrs. LaMarche

  • Continue to work on as needed
  • please sit either at the middle tables on Chromebooks or at an operating computer

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Welcome to Class!!

  • Continue with your Week 11 log - for full points please indicate not only progress but specific takeaways
  • Please work on CERT Prep
  • Quick Disucssion on 80/20 projects

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Early release Monday - Please excuse Mrs. LaMarche 

  • Start your Week 11 log - for full points please indicate not only progress but specific takeaways
  • Please work on CERT Prep

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Early Release Monday - EVERYONE IS MEETING IN S3

  • please create your week 12 progress log
  • continue to work on Cert Prep
  • a few students will be helping in the back - LOTS OF SANDING AND PAINTINT!!

Building Inspection | City of Carrollton, TX

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Welcome to Class! Please excuse Mrs. LaMarche - painting and sanding in the back.

  • thank you for all your hard work yesterday
  • let's keep the momentum going and continue to independently work on CERT PREP
  • tomorrow we should be back in our main classroom

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WELCOME TO CLASS!! Independent Work Day - Please excuse Mrs. LaMarche

  • please work on CERT PREP | see CERT PREP
  • I am looking forward to more labs
  • tomorrow we will meet in S3 again.

Employability skills, often referred to as Workplace or Career Readiness skills, have for many years been a recognizable component of standards and curriculum in all career and technical education (CTE) programs. The Workplace Readiness Standards are designed to ensure students graduate from high school properly prepared with skills employers prioritize as the most important. The standards provide a means through which students may acquire and exhibit leadership qualities, as leadership development principles are embedded in most, if not all, of the standards.

The Workplace Readiness Assessment (WRA) measures understanding of the career readiness standards in personal, professional, and technical knowledge and skills and is required for Idaho CTE students. CTE capstone students and seniors enrolled in at least their second CTE course (grades 9-12) should take the WRA. This includes any/all CTE courses, and some students may be enrolled in courses from different CTE program areas.

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Each group will be in charge of 3 different interactive labs to include questions and brief 5-10 min presentations.  Mrs. LaMarche will be working with each group. Please start with creating 3 google documents and 3 google slides.  Label and share with each group member & Mrs. LaMarche (lamarchesa@tfsd.org)

  • Orange - Storage,  Memory & Network Connectivity
  • Blue - Peripherals, Chassis, Cables & Power Supplies
  • Yellow - Expansion Cards GPUs & Displays  
  • Green - i7 Build, Rhoda's Build, Cables & Cooling


Lab Guidelines: Once you have created each document start your RECON process. Use the processor lab as a guide and create a lab where your fellow class members will be able to "make a copy", answer lab questions & repost their completed lab to the PC parts portion of their individual portfolio.  Create an Answer Key and please cite your sources. Use a citation generator of our choice.  EASY BIB or Cite This For Me are suggested tools.

Presentation Guidelines: Once you have created each presentation with appropriate sharing, start working on a fun and informative slideshow to share with your class. This presentation will be shared right before you introduce your lab.  End your presentation with a cited reference slide. MLA or APA is fine.  EASY BIB or Cite This For Me are suggested citation generation tools.

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WELCOME TO CLASS!! Continue with the new group presentation and lab presentations. Each group will be in charge of 3 different interactive labs to include questions and brief 5-10 min presentations.  Mrs. LaMarche will be working with each group next week. Before we seperate into groups will have a quick presentation from Carter.

  • Orange - Storage,  Memory & Network Connectivity <-- Please work in S2 
  • Blue - Peripherals, Chassis, Cables & Power Supplies <-- Finishing Drone Lab - Please work in S3
  • Yellow - Expansion Cards GPUs & Displays <--- Please work in S3 
  • Green - i7 Build, Rhoda's Build, Cables & Cooling <--- GREEN TEAM WORKING IN S2. 


UPDATED: Lab Guidelines: Once you have created each document start your RECON process. Use the processor lab as a guide and create a lab where your fellow class members will be able to "make a copy", answer lab questions & repost their completed lab to the PC parts portion of their individual portfolio.  Create an Answer Key and please cite your sources. Use a citation generator of our choice.  EASY BIB or Cite This For Me are suggested tools.

UPDATED: Presentation Guidelines: Once you have created each presentation with appropriate sharing, start working on a fun and informative slideshow to share with your class. This presentation will be shared right before you introduce your lab.  End your presentation with a cited reference slide. MLA or APA is fine.  EASY BIB or Cite This For Me are suggested citation generation tools.

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Modular vs. Semi-Modular vs. Non-Modular Power Supplies - YouTube

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Welcome to Class! 

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Welcome to Class! This is a great week to be autonomous! 

  • Wednesday - Friday | Start in your groups. Presentations will start next week. Each group will present 1 topic and lab then we will rotate to another group. As a group discuss which topic you plan to present on first. NEW FORM - FILL OUT TODAY.
  • Tuesday - Please continue to work in groups - NEW FORM - DUE TODAY - I need your selfies
  • Monday - Work with your group to update your progress with THIS FORM - DUE TODAY!

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WELCOME TO CLASS -- Why is it important to compare one part to another?

Always remember to cycle back to our 4 questions:

  1. What’s the PC (or other tech product) going to be used?
  2. Who’s going to be using the PC (or other tech product)?
  3. What’s the budget? Current Economic State 
  4. What are future use plans… plans for resale or eventual upgrades?


This Really Happened

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WELCOME TO CLASS!! - Quick Disucssion on Processors

  • Please create your week 13 log
  • continue to complete your - Building a PC lab
  • cycle back to cert progress as needed

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Welcome to Class! 

  • Quick disucssion on Workplace ready skills
  • teambuildinb OK if you are caught up

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Welcome to Class!!  

  • Continue to work in your assigned groups
  • please be sure to cycle back to YOUR INDIVIDUAL CERT PREP if you successfully complete your work group
  • Mrs. LaMarche will be working with each group to provide feedback on your presentations

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Welcome To Class!! 

  • New Lab - RAM Memory Lab - make a copy, share back and create a button on your labs page to turn this assignment in
  • New Lab - Storage Lab - make a copy, share back and create a button on your labs page to turn this assignment in

1,549 No Internet Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty-Free Images - iStock

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Early release Monday - Please start at the computers! 

  • create your new log
  • cycle to cert prep or 80/20 as needed

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Welcome to Class!! Please excuse Mrs. LaMarche - Working in the Shop

  • Emergency Tech Support Job
  • Please quietly work on your Cert Prep
  • It's ok to complete ANY type of cert  80/20 combination to reach your 5 min
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Welcome to Class! Assembly Schedule - Shortened Class Period

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Welcome to Class!! Please excuse Mrs. LaMarche

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Welcome to Class! -- Continue from yesterday.  LAB DUE TODAY

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Welcome to Class - Quick discussion on Tech Skills vs Workplace Ready skills

  • the origin story of this assignment | SAD
  • workplace ready PRE TEST
  • when you complete the pretest please work on cert prep or manage your time as needed - there are a lot of correct answers. Please be autonomous.
  • we want to make sure everyone has a chance to take the pretest before we cover content
  • please place the results to your post-test (we will take post-test next week) in your portoflio

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Early release Monday  Quick REVIEW of Friday. We were missing over 1/3 of our class activities 😢

| Review Friday HERE | Review Progress Log Rubric Here

  • if you haven't already, please take the work-place ready PRE-TEST
  • we will go over the content to prepare for the post-test when each class member has been able to complete the pre-test
  • please review your progress logs
  • continue to work on EOC

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Welcome to Class!  Teambuilding O.K. OR make up work for ANY OTHER CLASS

  • ONLY one pre-test left
  • Once all the pre-tests have been taken we will start to go over content
  • Please consider listening to music 
  • Thank you for keeping the classroom a nice working environment


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Enjoy your 3 day weekend!!

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Welcome To Class!  - Please excuse Mrs. LaMarche.  Be on your best behavior for our guest teacher!

    • please work on YOUR current cert -- ANY cert will do!  Be accountable for all 50min you get to work on your progress.
    • add an entry and an artifact to your daily progress log
    • once the workshop is complete we will move quickly through our labs
    • Today - Super Smash Brothers Ultimate Competes @ Districts

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Welcome To Class!  - Please excuse Mrs. LaMarche.  Be on your best behavior for our guest teacher!

  • please work on YOUR current cert -- ANY cert will do!  Be accountable for all 50min you get to work on your progress.
  • add an entry and an artifact to your daily progress log
  • once the workshop is complete we will move quickly through our labs
  • Today -  Rocket League Competes @ Districts

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Welcome To Class!  - Please excuse Mrs. LaMarche.  Be on your best behavior for our guest teacher!

  • please work on YOUR current cert -- ANY cert will do!  Be accountable for all 50min you get to work on your progress.
  • add an entry and an artifact to your daily progress log
  • once the workshop is complete we will move quickly through our labs
  • Today - Valorant Competes @ Districts

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Welcome To Class!  - Please excuse Mrs. LaMarche.  Be on your best behavior for our guest teacher!

  • please work on YOUR current cert -- ANY cert will do!  Be accountable for all 50min you get to work on your progress.
  • add an entry and an artifact to your daily progress log
  • once the workshop is complete we will move quickly through our labs
  • Today - Overwatch2 Competes @ Districts

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Welcome To Class!  - Please excuse Mrs. LaMarche.  Be on your best behavior for our guest teacher!

    • please work on YOUR current cert -- ANY cert will do!  Be accountable for all 50min you get to work on your progress.
    • add an entry and an artifact to your daily progress log
    • once the workshop is complete we will move quickly through our labs
    • All four Titles that competed last week in districts, Super Smash Brothers, Valorant, Overwatch2 & Rocket league ARE ALL GOING TO STATE!! If you see one of our Esports players, please congratulate them.



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Welcome to Class!!  Please start at the tables 

  • Preview Promo video
  • Look for Easter Eggs

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Welcome to Class! Please start at the computers.

Please work autonomously:

  • Finishing*** EMERGENCY BUILD**
  • Mrs. LaMarche needs to do some last moment edits on our ETE promo video. 
  • Watch for the final video to be shown in your advisory classes & on Gym TVs

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Welcome to Class! - Please excuse Mrs. LaMarche | Esports is off to State @ BSU's Esport Arena

Please work autonomously:

  • Finishing*** EMERGENCY BUILD**
  • Mrs. LaMarche needs to do some last moment edits on our ETE promo video.
  • Watch for the final video to be shown in your advisory classes & on Gym TVs
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Welcome to Class! 

  • EOC and Final Portfolio Rubric will be available Friday
  • Start Documentary
  • Seniors Last Day Wednesday - Congrats to our Senior PC winner!!

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Welcome to Class!

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