Welcome to Class!! - Please start at the tables today. 

Quick Discussion of the Questions on the Board

  • Is Mrs. LaMarche really going to buy a 4090? Why or Why not? See the Comparison HERE
  • What is a GPU?  How do we know if it's the "Right GPU?" -- ANSWER IN YOUR PROGRESS LOG See My Example
  • Thank you to Walker for sharing some AWESOME Artifacts | INTEL DIVISIONAL AWARDINTEL 1999 AWARD


Independent work on Assignments: If Lab Page, Write Tools Lab, Progress Log and your FIRST CERT are ALL complete team building is OK

  • Lab Page Creation (Due this Week)
  • Write Tools Lab (Due Next Week)
  • Daily Progress Logs (Due Daily) - Make sure to Answer Today's Question See My Example
  • Cert Prep - 5 Certs Due at the End of the Semester